

在当今竞争日益激烈的环境中, regional and high-speed mainline train operators seek higher-performance solutions that will enable them to run the trains of tomorrow. Car builders are responding to the particular needs of each operator’s market by taking a platform approach, developing train families that achieve a delicate balance between standardization and modularity. This offers operators the opportunity to amortize the high development and certification costs over and above a single project.

创新的制动系统是控制和降低成本的关键. 它们必须更聪明、更轻便, 降低总拥有成本, 同时提高能源效率. 增强网络弹性,大幅降低维护成本, 附着力解决方案也是一个关键因素. 最后, advanced friction materials need to combine sustainability and durability with lowered operational costs.

完全致力于这种平台方法, Wabtec offers train builder customers a range of brake products that help them meet each operator’s specific requirements. And we can achieve this without the need for major changes that would endanger a train’s design and certification.

从乔治西屋分配器阀到SAB松弛调节器和BFC胎面制动器, Wabtec builds on over 150 years of train brake expertise in our continuous effort to introduce innovative braking solutions. 今天, we’ve redoubled our focus on the areas of product validation and certification to address brakes’ three main subsystems.


车轮/轨道的粘合仍然是一个关键的挑战. Wabtec的自适应车轮滑动保护是一个改变游戏规则,带来无与伦比的性能, improving stopping distance in degraded adhesion conditions by up to 35% compared to previous generations. 附着力很低, 新算法大大降低了车轮损坏的风险, 从而限制了维护成本,提高了列车的可用性.

除了这些优势, our wheel slide protection also enables manufacturers to eliminate the need to spend several weeks setting the first trains. This is because the wheel slide protection doesn’t require a commissioning campaign to adjust to the train. 从车轮的第一次转动开始,它就运转得很好. 我们的先进的, 自适应车轮滑动保护可以安装在我们的任何制动控制解决方案, 无论是新的还是已安装的底座.


作为平台经理, you expect the brake system to resolve your usual competitiveness vs customization / modularity dilemma. 理解这个关键问题, Wabtec开发了一个系统,使我们能够完全满足您的需求.

突破, versatile Regioflexx integrated brake control system offers car builders a variety of built-in solutions geared to streamline their projects, 从而减少了相关的时间和成本. 在后端, 这些简化, 加上先进的材料, 使MTBO延长至15年.

  • 认证
    汽车制造商重视认证带来的第三方性能验证, 还要努力确保所有部件都经过认证. 对于动车组/DMU和高速列车,Regioflexx已经通过了TSI Loc认证&通过并符合EN制动系统标准(EMU/DMU), 高速列车, 轮滑保护). 此外,它还通过了当前网络安全标准的认证. 它可以在其标准版本中使用单管或双管制动系统的项目.
  • 精益集成
    Regioflexx降低了集成到列车中的复杂性和成本, 得益于其行业最低的质量和空间要求. It is designed from the outset to require only a minimal amount of electrical wiring to interface with the train: A data communication network and a safety loop are all that is required to control all the brake's functions. The result: a significant reduction in installation costs and an improvement in reliability compared to previous generations’ systems.
  • 创新制动结构
    Regioflexx提供本地控制制动和车轮滑动保护每轴, 在不增加额外成本的情况下,实现最高水平的保证制动性能. 有了这个特性, 列车将能够以自动运行模式运行, 在哪里符合市场的未来方向.
  • 精简项目发展
    开发一个新的客户项目需要大量的努力和成本, Regioflexx也是如此, 我们的专家找到了减少两者的方法. 它为所有干线列车项目提供单一设备, 从而简化供应链. 我们的基础应用软件从一个项目到下一个项目保持不变, with the specifics of each project taken into account in the form of data parameters to reduce specific costs and improve development time.

    Thanks to an optical recognition system between Regioflexx and its bracket (fixed on the train), Regioflexx automatically preloads the brake setup data for each position in the train during installation. 该功能为整个车队提供了一个单一的部件编号. 该软件可以模拟双管系统的空气制动阀, 总共消除了这种昂贵的需要, 重型和维修密集型设备.


Regioflexx is equipped as standard with the most advanced solutions on the market for managing wheel/rail adhesion during braking. 我们的自适应车轮滑动保护集成在Regioflexx. It is further enhanced with a high safety integrity level advanced function: an algorithm that optimizes the use of the available adhesion along the train in all adhesion conditions. 在附着力下降的情况下,该算法考虑了可用附着力的差异. 这很重要, as trains’ leading and trailing wheels do not have the same available adhesion due to the natural cleaning effect that takes place when the wheels pass along the rail.

With these solutions in place, train builders can offer a strong differentiation to their customers:

  • 减少50%的延长制动距离在退化的附着力
  • 极大地提高了对极端气候条件的适应能力
  • 由于保证减少制动距离,增加列车流量的可能性
  • 维护成本降低40%至60%, 由于在车轮和轨道之间的接触点更好的能源管理, 使其能够避免轴堵塞和, 因此, 车轮上的扁平

没有两个火车站台工程是相同的. Each faces its own set of operational and design requirements that lead to very specific friction brake needs.

  • 用于转向架制动盘材料, 大多数设备制造商提供的标准选择是灰口铸铁和钢. Wabtec提供的高性能铸铁解决方案超越了这些产品, 可以在大多数区域列车应用中使用(B2级, C1 & C2(根据EN 15535-3). 高性能铸铁的成本比钢更接近铸铁的成本, 因此,提供了一个显着的成本节省原来的设备. 我们的光盘使用相同的接口,因此严格可互换, 保证为任何应用提供最佳的技术和经济选择.

    Wabtec转向架制动系统- 4段车轮安装盘
  • 我们也有全系列的复合和烧结摩擦材料, and we are currently the only supplier whose friction materials all comply with the EN 15328 standard (narrowing the performance gap between dry and wet conditions).
  • The number of bogie brake equipment parts per train—and their mechanical nature—can play a major role in train payload optimization. They are also a concern in terms of reducing mass for new energies such as battery-powered trains. 我们的工程师已经用我们的BFC胎面制动装置回应了这些需求, 市场上最轻的是哪一种, and our disc brake unit actuators are also continuously improved to offer some of the most compact and lightest units in the industry. 我们创新的“Parklock”无弹簧驻车制动装置, 已被主要运营商采用, 提供额外的重量节省.


Wabtec C3盘式制动站
Wabtec BFC胎面制动单元



用于生产空气, we have achieved a technological solution that overcomes the worst operating conditions encountered (including a very low utilization rate that does not allow for optimal temperature rise). It also enables us to consider increasing the MTBO beyond the usual requirements of our customers.

Wabtec’s technological solutions comprise a complete range of compressors and air treatment units that meet the most demanding market requirements related to noise, 重量, 空气质量, MTBO和维护成本. Our standard and interchangeable units are available to suit different air flow and 空气质量 requirements in one unique package interfaced with any kind of train.

Wabtec Buran 10无油压缩机

这一套创新的、经过认证的、经过验证的解决方案今天是可用的. We are a partner with proven reliability and robustness, as well as world-class project execution.

准备好迎接明天的挑战? 联络我们: Brakesand耦合器 [at] wabtec (点) com 讨论如何将威伯泰克解决方案整合到您的列车中.




Brakesand耦合器 [at] wabtec (点) com